Why is it important to speak a second language if you are looking for great opportunities?

The pros of learning a foreign language at an early age are widely known. Multilingual youngsters are more imaginative, stronger problem solvers and more analytical. It’s also easier to pick up a new language earlier in life, as you won’t question grammar rules, you won’t develop as strong an accent, and it will seem enjoyable, instead of a chore. Nonetheless, picking up another language as an adult can still have lots of social and economic benefits. This article will explain the benefits of learning a second language for jobs, travel and intelligence.

The list of cognitive benefits of bilingualism is endless. The Baycrest Rotman Institute has discovered that linguists use fewer brain resources to perform memory tasks. This helps to preserve brain health and protects against memory loss and cognitive decline. Therefore, individuals who can speak multiple languages are less likely to develop alzhiemer's disease. The cognitive benefits of learning a second language also affect people’s mother tongue proficiency. Learning another language helps you to pick up listening, speaking and writing skills that are useful for both languages. Individuals who are able to speak multiple languages are also more analytical and have a better attention span, which improves both professional and personal lives.

There are multiple benefits of learning a second language for travel. To learn another language, you will also need to study another culture, making you increasingly empathetic and understanding of different nationalities. Linguists are also well-known to be stronger problem solvers, and therefore will be able to overcome travel challenges, such as losing your passport or getting lost. Knowing the language of the destination you’re going to will also improve your safety. Although you can use translation apps, like TripLingo, to converse in a stressful situation, being multilingual speeds up interaction. There are also social benefits of learning a second language while abroad, as you will be able to converse with the locals, who can offer accommodation and restaurant tips. You could also save money, because you can negotiate at markets and won’t have to use a tour guide.

The need for bilingual staff members has doubled over the past five years, which means there are more economic benefits of learning a second language than ever. Multilingual employees are in demand because they have abilities such as problem solving and creativity. Furthermore, learning a language shows you can commit to developing another skill. Being multilingual also opens doors to a range of sectors, such as travel, hospitality, interpretation and the military. There are also numerous benefits of learning a foreign language for business development, as bilinguals can communicate with others across the world. Multilingual team members are also vital for customer service. Sibur, for instance, sells to 80 countries, which means they require multilingual individuals to interact with international clients.

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